Projekt APVV-23-0631 Tourism Design / Application of Design Thinking in Tourism Products Development (2024-2028)
The ambition of the project is to explore the impact of design and design thinking on the planning and development of tourism in Slovakia. The project focuses on the practical application of design thinking, the impact of the latest technological developments and the analysis of current trends in the creation of innovative tourism products. The project is expected to lay the foundations for a new field of research and its application in tourism development. The aim of the project is to develop a common methodology, strategy and practical tools for the application of the knowledge acquired in the field of design for representatives of different disciplines. The research will include a scientific analysis of facilitation and mediation, professional support and overall active participation of design and architecture professionals in the whole process of development and implementation of tourism sector products. The aim of the project is to present Slovak regional producers, entrepreneurs and organisations with information and tools for creating and implementing products and services using elements of regional identity on the basis of interdisciplinary research. We want to identify opportunities for the effective use of theoretical knowledge of business and manufacturing practice to provide strategies for business development, sustainable tourism and employment in regions through innovative products and services integrating the unique social, cultural and natural values of the regions. A tourism product is a complex concept.
The product – as we understand it today – consists of a wide range of material and immaterial products and services that enter the market. This is based on the assumption that each type of tourism requires specific products linked to specific needs and expectations of tourists.
In the framework of the project, pilot studies will focus on the development of new innovative products, services and tourist experiences. Main output of the project will be the creation of at least three model products for tourism that will use the potential of unique elements of regional culture and identity.
Project leader: Prof. MSc. Veronika Kotradyová, PhD.